Portrait Drawing

Practicing portrait drawing for few days.. and yesterday night completed this picture… A Malayalam actress… if you can guess…!!! 


Actress Portrait Drawing

Learning portrait drawing and pencil shading forces one to draw actress and see if people can recognize the character… 

So, now you tell me whether I pass the test… [Find the actress in the drawing]

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Portrait Drawing

Been days since tried drawing a portrait.. as Master says practice drawing an actor or actress and see if the world recognizes the drawing.. if yes, then you PASSED the test…

Mine was a FAILURE.. but not going to give up.. will keep practicing… 🙂 Looong way to go!!!!

Portrait Drawing

Portrait Drawing

Reference Image

Reference Image

Actress Portrait Drawing

Hope you could find the below personality…

Portrait Drawing

Portrait Drawing

Back to posting… Portrait Learning

Hi Reader…

Fell sick with cold and flu… still recovering but did not want to miss the greatest fun … My blog.

Those were the collection of Oil pastels done so far.. now lets move to the next fun part …Portrait drawing..

Believe me at the initial two days of class, I was the worst in drawing portrait…

Thanks to all the supporting friends Madhan, Kamalesh, Ashok [what !!! you cannot draw portrait.. don’t joke?], Hubby, Drawing Master Rajendran and inner power to learn…I was able to start learning the basics and do small homework’s…

Master used to tell… if any one person was able to recognize the person you drew then you have understood the basics of portrait drawing….

So, here are two pictures which I hope you would be able to recognize the personality…

Portrait Drawing

Portrait Drawing

Portrait Drawing

Portrait Drawing

It’s Taylor Swift…A singer I like for her works…


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